Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Breast Lift Surgery Ends Embarrassment

The physical changes that can be made by breast lift surgery are obvious: firmer, more youthful looking breasts that don’t sag. Following this procedure, many women are happy with the way their breasts, and their new bodies, look in the mirror. It gives them confidence and a self-esteem boost, but these effects are harder to […]

Liposuction vs. VaserLipo: Two Techniques for Fat Removal

Since liposuction was first introduced decades ago, many improvements have been made to make the process faster, safer, more effective and even less painful. Today’s liposuction procedures span the traditional (but improved) methods as well as new approaches, like ultrasonic liposuction. With so many options, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Compare the traditional liposuction surgery […]

How to Reduce Post-Facelift Swelling

Patients of any surgical procedure, including facelifts, will find themselves battling some common side effects. Swelling is one of the body’s natural reactions to surgery, so it’s pretty much a given that it will stick with you for days or weeks after your procedure. While it is a normal indication that the healing process has […]

Questions About Breast Reduction Answered

Any surgery can be intimidating when you’re just starting to consider it. Breast reduction can offer its patients a remarkable change for the better, but even so, a surgery is an involved procedure and there are a lot of questions to answer. The patients who seek breast reduction understand the basic idea behind it, but […]

Fit Into Your Fall Boots With Liposuction

With the fall now in full swing, women across the country are digging their knee-high boots out of the closet for another season. These must-have accessories are versatile, comfortable and stylish, but also very exclusive if you don’t have the right legs to wear them. Unfortunately, many women are frustrated by knee-high boots because they […]

Can a Breast Lift Help Me Look Younger?

Looking younger isn’t just for the face anymore, not with breast and body procedures that can help you make a full transformation. Aging is a problem that affects our entire bodies, from graying hairs to varicose veins on the legs. If you’re invested in keeping aging at bay, you certainly can’t forget about the breasts, […]

Tips for a Natural-Looking Facelift

One of the biggest critiques about the facelift methods of the past was how unnatural it looked. The techniques used to perform those early surgeries have evolved into today’s procedure, which includes extra measures to guarantee a more natural look. Still, there are always risks involved in every kind of surgery, so how can you […]

What Can You Do to Cut Your Risks After Liposuction?

Liposuction has been around for many years, and has evolved to be a safer and more effective procedure during that time. Today, liposuction remains one of the top-requested body-contouring procedures, with a high rate of patient satisfaction. As safe as liposuction has become, there is no such thing as a surgical procedure without the risk […]

The Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery is a solution for women who are frustrated with breasts that sag and/or have lost their shape, volume, and contour over the years. Many women become dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts following pregnancies, breastfeeding, weight changes, and advancing age. Some breast lift patients are younger, some are older, but they […]

Perfect Facial Contour With a Facelift and Chin Implant

Chin implants are used by plastic surgeons to enhance the contours of the face, especially if you have a weaker chin that needs additional definition. When most patients come in for a chin implant, chances are that they are focused only on achieving that extra volume. Likewise, facelift patients tend to concentrate on the anti-aging […]